namespace shell;
* pcntl is a process manager for spawning new child processes
* either through php closures or shell commands. pcntl will
* make sure zombies dont start invading your systems
* @author shean massey
* @since Jan 7th 2012
class pcntl {
protected $_child_pids = array();
protected $_max_wait = 0;
protected $_debug_mode = false;
* register the wait function as a shutdown procedure
* and register the signal handlers for SIGCHLD and SIGTERM
public function __construct() {
foreach ( array( SIGCHLD, SIGTERM ) as $signal )
if ( false === ( pcntl_signal( $signal, array( $this, 'signal_handler') ) ) ) {
throw new \exception('failed tp attach signal: ' . $signal . ' handler');
# on shutdown, wait() for all/any forked child processes
register_shutdown_function( array( $this, 'wait' ) );
* on destruction wait() for all/any forked child processes
public function __destruct() {
* enable/disable debug messages
public function use_debugger( $bool = true ) {
$this->_debug_mode = (bool)$bool;
return $this;
* this is the signal handler registered for cleaning the dead children
* processes and remove them from the pid collection.
public function signal_handler( $signum ) {
switch ( $signum ) {
# this event is sent to processes when one of their child processes
# passed away
while ( $pid = pcntl_wait( $status, WNOHANG) ) {
$this->debug( function() use ($pid, $status){
echo 'caught pid by signal handler: ', $pid, ' ';
echo 'return status: ', $status, ' ';
echo '[my pid = ', posix_getpid(), ']', PHP_EOL;
# there are no more children to handle:
if ( empty( $this->_child_pids ) ) return;
# pcntl_wait failed:
if ( $pid === -1 ) {
# how could this even happen ?
if ( ! array_key_exists( $pid, $this->_child_pids ) ) {
throw new \appcore\exception('caught someone elses dead baby');
# remove the child pid from the pid collection
unset( $this->_child_pids[ $pid ] );
# this process is sent from a kill -1:
* fork a closure as a new process
public function fork( \closure $function ) {
switch ( $pid = pcntl_fork() ) {
# error:
case -1:
throw new \appcore\exception('failed to fork()');
# child proc:
case 0:
# empty the array of children:
$this->_child_pids = array();
# parent proc:
$this->_child_pids[ $pid ] = $pid;
$this->debug( function() use ($pid) {
echo 'new child: ', $pid, PHP_EOL;
return $this;
* fork a shell command
public function shell_fork( $cmd_line = '' ) {
$this->fork( function() use ( $cmd_line ) {
$cmd_line .= ' 2>&1 > /tmp/proc_manager.lck.'.posix_getpid().' &';
shell_exec( $cmd_line );
return $this;
* if the debug_mode is set, the execute the function being
* passed as a closure. Note that this function should never
* attempt to change the current state.
public function debug( \closure $function ) {
if ( ! $this->_debug_mode ) return false;
return true;
* this will loop with short sleeps and dispatch any lingering
* signals to the signal handler (to reap the dead children)
public function wait() {
$this->debug( function(){
echo 'dispatch loop', PHP_EOL;
while ( true ) {
if ( ! $this->_child_pids ) break;
return $this;
Using it is VERY simple, you fork a new process either as a closures or as shell commands:
#!/usr/bin/env php
use_debugger( true );
$proc_manager->fork( function( ) {
$i = 0;
while ( $i++ < 5 ) {
sleep( 1 );
file_put_contents('/tmp/test', 'i = '.$i.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
$proc_manager->fork( function( ) {
$m = 0; while ( $m++ < 6 ) {
sleep( 1 );
file_put_contents('/tmp/test', 'm = '.$m.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
$proc_manager->shell_fork('sleep 1 && ls -la');
$proc_manager->shell_fork('rsync # ...');