Tuesday, August 16, 2011

An expression parser in PHP

This is a little mathematical expression parser I wrote out of sheer boredom. After finding my "calculator assignment" from highschool (which worked, but had absolutly no style, just a couple hundred lines of sequential handling) I decided I really needed to take another shot at it.. And this time, to do thing right and build an expression tree from the input then evaluate the tree.

First a brief walkthrough:
- create a stack of context handlers (a handler must react on passed tokens)
- first step is to tokenize the content into a list of tokens
- push the first (global) context onto the context stack
- iterate through the token list and send the token to the last context handler on the stack
( the context handlers are responsible for pushing/poping contexts onto the stack )
- pop off the last context, this should be the first pushed, the global (the trunk of the tree)

Example input: 3 + ( 4 * 2.3 ) - 1
the tokenized list would be: ['3', '+', '(', '4', '*', '2.3', ')', '-', '1']
- push a global scope onto the context handler stack (context 0)
looping through the tokens:
on '3': the context handler adds 3 to its expression list (context 1)
on '+': the context handler adds + to its expression list (context 1)
on '(': the context handler pushes a new context onto the the context handler stack (context 2)
on '4': the context handler adds 4 to its expression list (context 2)
on '*': the context handler adds * to its expression list (context 2)
on '2.3': the context handler adds 2.3 to its expression list (context 2)
on ')': the context handler pops off 'context 2', adds it to the expression list of context 1
on '-': the context handler adds - to the expression list (context 1)
on '1': the context handler adds 1 to the expression list (context 1)

context 1 looks like this: 3 + (context 2) - 1
context 2 looks like this: 4 * 2.3

Now that the data is parsed into the tree structure, some recursive evaluation and we've got the result.

namespace exprlib;

 * this model handles the tokenizing, the context stack functions, and
 * the parsing (token list to tree trans).
 * as well as an evaluate method which delegates to the global scopes evaluate.

class Parser {
    protected $_content = null;
    protected $_context_stack = array();
    protected $_tree = null;
    protected $_tokens = array();

    public function __construct($content = null) {
        if ( $content ) {
        	$this->set_content( $content );

     * this function does some simple syntax cleaning:
     * - removes all spaces
     * - replaces '**' by '^'
     * then it runs a regex to split the contents into tokens. the set
     * of possible tokens in this case is predefined to numbers (ints of floats)
     * math operators (*, -, +, /, **, ^) and parentheses.
    public function tokenize() {
        $this->_content = str_replace(array("\n","\r","\t"," "), '', $this->_content);
        $this->_content = str_replace('**', '^', $this->_content);
        $this->_content = str_replace('PI', (string)PI(), $this->_content);
        $this->_tokens = preg_split(
        return $this;

     * this is the the loop that transforms the tokens array into
     * a tree structure.
    public function parse() {
        # this is the global scope which will contain the entire tree
        $this->push_context( new \exprlib\contexts\Scope() );
        foreach ( $this->_tokens as $token ) {
        	# get the last context model from the context stack,
        	# and have it handle the next token	 
        	$this->get_context()->handle_token( $token );
        $this->_tree = $this->pop_context();

        return $this;

    public function evaluate() {
        if ( ! $this->_tree ) {
        	throw new \exprlib\exceptions\ParseTreeNotFoundException();
        return $this->_tree->evaluate();

    /*** accessors and mutators ***/

    public function get_tree() {
        return $this->_tree;
    public function set_content($content = null) {
        $this->_content = $content;
        return $this;

    public function get_tokens() {
        return $this->_tokens;

     * the context stack functions. for the stack im using 
     * an array with the functions array_push, array_pop,
     * and end to push, pop, and get the current element
     * from the stack.

    public function push_context( \exprlib\contexts\IfContext $context ) {
        array_push( $this->_context_stack, $context );
        $this->get_context()->set_builder( $this );

    public function pop_context() {
        return array_pop( $this->_context_stack );

    public function get_context() {
        return end( $this->_context_stack );

The global scope in this case is also the parent scope of all other scopes:
namespace exprlib\contexts;

class Scope implements namespace\IfContext {
    protected $_builder = null;
    protected $_children_contexts = array();
    protected $_raw_content = array();
    protected $_operations = array();

    const T_NUMBER = 1;
    const T_OPERATOR = 2;
    const T_SCOPE_OPEN = 3;
    const T_SCOPE_CLOSE = 4;
    const T_SIN_SCOPE_OPEN = 5;
    const T_COS_SCOPE_OPEN = 6;
    const T_TAN_SCOPE_OPEN = 7;
    const T_SQRT_SCOPE_OPEN = 8;

    public function set_builder( \exprlib\Parser $builder ) {
        $this->_builder = $builder;

    public function __toString() {
        return implode('', $this->_raw_content);

    public function add_operation( $operation ) {
        $this->_operations[] = $operation;

     * handle the next token from the tokenized list. example actions
     * on a token would be to add it to the current context expression list,
     * to push a new context on the the context stack, or pop a context off the
     * stack.
    public function handle_token( $token ) {
        $type = null;
        if ( in_array( $token, array('*','/','+','-','^') ) ) $type = self::T_OPERATOR;
        if ( $token === ')' ) $type = self::T_SCOPE_CLOSE;
        if ( $token === '(' ) $type = self::T_SCOPE_OPEN;
        if ( $token === 'sin(' ) $type = self::T_SIN_SCOPE_OPEN;
        if ( $token === 'cos(' ) $type = self::T_COS_SCOPE_OPEN;
        if ( $token === 'tan(' ) $type = self::T_TAN_SCOPE_OPEN;
        if ( $token === 'sqrt(' ) $type = self::T_SQRT_SCOPE_OPEN;

        if ( is_null( $type ) ) {
            if ( is_numeric( $token ) ) {
                $type = self::T_NUMBER;
                $token = (float)$token;

        switch ( $type ) {
            case self::T_NUMBER:
            case self::T_OPERATOR:
                $this->_operations[] = $token;
            case self::T_SCOPE_OPEN:
                $this->_builder->push_context( new namespace\Scope() );
            case self::T_SIN_SCOPE_OPEN:
                $this->_builder->push_context( new namespace\SineScope() );
            case self::T_COS_SCOPE_OPEN:
                $this->_builder->push_context( new namespace\CosineScope() );
            case self::T_TAN_SCOPE_OPEN:
                $this->_builder->push_context( new namespace\TangentScope() );
            case self::T_SQRT_SCOPE_OPEN:
                $this->_builder->push_context( new namespace\SqrtScope() );
            case self::T_SCOPE_CLOSE:
                $scope_operation = $this->_builder->pop_context();
                $new_context = $this->_builder->get_context();
                if ( is_null( $scope_operation ) || ( ! $new_context ) ) {
                    # this means there are more closing parentheses than openning
                    throw new \exprlib\exceptions\OutOfScopeException();
                $new_context->add_operation( $scope_operation );
                throw new \exprlib\exceptions\UnknownTokenException($token);

     * order of operations:
     * - parentheses, these should all ready be executed before this method is called
     * - exponents, first order
     * - mult/divi, second order
     * - addi/subt, third order
    protected function _expression_loop( & $operation_list ) {
        while ( list( $i, $operation ) = each ( $operation_list ) ) {
            if ( ! in_array( $operation, array('^','*','/','+','-') ) ) continue;

            $left =  isset( $operation_list[ $i - 1 ] ) ? (float)$operation_list[ $i - 1 ] : null;
            $right = isset( $operation_list[ $i + 1 ] ) ? (float)$operation_list[ $i + 1 ] : null;

            # if ( is_null( $left ) || is_null( $right ) ) throw new \Exception('syntax error');

            $first_order = ( in_array('^', $operation_list) );
            $second_order = ( in_array('*', $operation_list ) || in_array('/', $operation_list ) );
            $third_order = ( in_array('-', $operation_list ) || in_array('+', $operation_list ) );

            $remove_sides = true;
            if ( $first_order ) {
                switch( $operation ) {
                    case '^': $operation_list[ $i ] = pow( (float)$left, (float)$right ); break;
                    default: $remove_sides = false; break;
            } elseif ( $second_order ) {
                switch ( $operation ) {
                    case '*': $operation_list[ $i ] = (float)($left * $right); break;
                    case '/': $operation_list[ $i ] = (float)($left / $right); break;
                    default: $remove_sides = false; break;
            } elseif ( $third_order ) {
                switch ( $operation ) {
                    case '+': $operation_list[ $i ] = (float)($left + $right); break;
                    case '-': $operation_list[ $i ] = (float)($left - $right); break;
                    default: $remove_sides = false; break;

            if ( $remove_sides ) {
                unset( $operation_list[ $i + 1 ], $operation_list[ $i - 1 ] );
                reset( $operation_list = array_values( $operation_list ) );
        if ( count( $operation_list ) === 1 ) return end( $operation_list );
        return false;

    # order of operations:
    # - sub scopes first
    # - multiplication, division
    # - addition, subtraction
    # evaluating all the sub scopes (recursivly):
    public function evaluate() {
        foreach ( $this->_operations as $i => $operation ) {
            if ( is_object( $operation ) ) {
                $this->_operations[ $i ] = $operation->evaluate();

        $operation_list = $this->_operations;

        while ( true ) {
            $operation_check = $operation_list;
            $result = $this->_expression_loop( $operation_list );
            if ( $result !== false ) return $result;
            if ( $operation_check === $operation_list ) {
            } else {
                reset( $operation_list = array_values( $operation_list ) );
        throw new \Exception('failed... here');

Here are 2 of the scopes that extends the global (parent) scope: the sine and squared root scopes

namespace exprlib\contexts;

class SineScope extends namespace\Scope {
    public function evaluate() {
        return sin( deg2rad( parent::evaluate() ) );


namespace exprlib\contexts;

class SqrtScope extends namespace\Scope {
	public function evaluate() {
		return sqrt( parent::evaluate() );

To conclude, here is a user interface I built for the testing. It's a command line shell which inputs expressions and outputs the evaluated expressions or thrown exception messages in case of error:


$builder = new \exprlib\Parser();

while ( (fputs(STDOUT,'math > ')) && $e = fgets(STDIN) ) {
	if ( ! ($e = trim($e)) ) continue;
	if ( in_array( $e, array('quit','exit',':q') ) ) break;

	try {
		$result = $builder->set_content($e)->tokenize()->parse()->evaluate();
	} catch ( \exprlib\exceptions\UnknownTokenException $exception ) {
		echo 'unknown token exception thrown in expression: ', $e, PHP_EOL;
		echo 'token: "',$exception->getMessage(),'"',PHP_EOL;
	} catch ( \exprlib\exceptions\ParseTreeNotFoundException $exception ) {
		echo 'parse tree not found (missing content): ', $e, PHP_EOL;
	} catch ( \exprlib\exceptions\OutOfScopeException $exception ) {
		echo 'out of scope exception thrown in: ', $e, PHP_EOL;
		echo 'you should probably count your parentheses', PHP_EOL;
	} catch ( \Exception $exception ) {
		echo 'unknown exception thrown: ', $e, PHP_EOL;
		echo $exception->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

	echo $result, PHP_EOL;