- may start/stop a php output buffer
- saves the output buffer to a file
- uses a key/value design, keys correspond to hashed file names
- can check if a certain block of code is buffered by a key
- can use an expire parameter (on lookup, not save)
namespace appcore;
* file caching methods.
class fcache extends namespace\base\object {
private function __construct() {}
private function __clone() {}
* check if a file is cached and optionaly non expired
* @param mixed $key
* @param int $exp_seconds number of seconds the file can exist
* before considered experied
public static function is_cached( $key, $exp_seconds = null ) {
$is_valid = true;
if (!file_exists(self::get_path( $key ))) return false;
if ( is_int( $exp_seconds ) ):
$file_stats = stat( self::get_path( $key ) );
if ((time()-$file_stats['mtime'])>$exp_seconds):
\appcore\events::send('trace', 'cached file has expired');
$is_valid = false;
return $is_valid;
* get a cached file
* @param mixed $key the key of the cached file
* @param int $exp_seconds the expire time of the cached file in seconds
public static function get_cache( $key ) {
if (self::is_cached( $key )):
\appcore\events::send('trace', 'found cache ' . md5($key));
return file_get_contents( self::get_path( $key ) );
return false;
public static function cache( $key, $value ) {
return file_put_contents( self::get_path($key), $value );
public static function init_buffer() {
\appcore\events::send('trace', 'creating new cache buffer');
public static function save_buffer( $key ) {
\appcore\events::send('trace', 'saving buffer to file cache');
$contents = ob_get_contents();
self::cache( $key, $contents );
return $contents;
private static function get_path( $key ) {
return CACHE_PATH.md5($key).'.cache.php';
CACHE_PATH should be defined as the path to a dir, with the leading slash / and needs read+write permission.
Using it now, heres an example of how to use the file caching in a controller:
namespace app\controllers;
class index extends \appcore\base\controller {
public function index() {
$this->context->template->title = 'file caching test';
if ( \appcore\fcache::is_cached('page', 300) ):
echo \appcore\fcache::get_cache('page');
echo time(), PHP_EOL;
# do some DB instensive operations here...
echo \appcore\fcache::save_buffer('page');
Not the best use of it, but simplicity is pretty.
Check if theres a cache saved labeled "page" that is less than 300 seconds old. If found, then show the contents of that cache. Else do some intensive work, heavy db queries and save the all the outputed results to a cache named "page".